Monday, May 25, 2020

The Race Of The Confederate - 1234 Words

Discussion The findings did not fully support our hypothesis. It does not appear that race impacted the reaction from the participants. This means that the race of the confederate did not significantly affect the level of the participant’s response to the spatial invasion. However, closeness significantly affected the negative reaction as White female students reacted more to a confederate sitting directly next to them than one seat away. The interaction between race and closeness was trending towards significance. Students would react more to White confederates when sitting next to participants than minority, but they would react more to minority confederates when sitting one seat away from them. The fact that there is no main†¦show more content†¦How the participants regarded the situation also would have greatly impacted their reactions. Felipe Sommer (1966) found that when spatial invasions occur, if the participant thought they were the subordinate, then they were drastically more likely to accommodate then to defend their territory. Similarly, Barash (1973) found that only the dominant of the two made demands for increased space. Although White women have more influence than minority women, these White students may see their minority peers as having more power. Due to Tulane’s new policies in respond to race issues, there is more aware of racial tensions, which could show White students that minority ones have more influence on campuses. If they saw the situation in this way, it would make sense why they would react more to White confederates than minority ones when sitting directly next to them. This dominance may actually have been increased by White students fear of being perceived as racist by their peers. Alexander Tredoux (2010) found that many White students reported anxiety in being regarded as racists. If this is true, then that would only increase the perceived dominance of minority women, since they would be too anxious to react to their spatial invasions. This does not necessarily mean these White students are actually racist. Spanierman et. al (2012)Show MoreRelatedTaking Down The Confederate Flag1577 Words   |  7 PagesSeptember 9, 2015 FA1 Debate Draft Taking down the Confederate Flag The confederate flag, a topic that has been the center of controversy for many years now, is an emblem of southern pride and heritage to some, while to some it is purely a symbol of hate and racism. After the shootings in South Carolina, it is clear that the flag should be taken down. Since it represents white supremacy and inequality and not Southern pride. The confederate flag, one of the most controversial image of the AmericanRead MoreRacism And The American Civil War963 Words   |  4 Pagesas someone who believes their race is the superior race. 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